ETIP Photovoltaics

Feb. 12, 2019

Reaction of ETIP PV to EC’s ‘Clean Planet for All’ Communication on possible scenarios for 99% decarbonisation (or not) by 2050

All in all, ETIP PV is highly supportive of the EU’s interest in following a pathway that leads to a max-1.5°C warmer world and encourages it to put in place the policies that will achieve this as cost-effectively as possible. This means acting soon. Zero net-carbon emissions are required by 2050. They will be achieved with a fully decarbonised and expanded power sector that provides services in heating and cooling, transport and possibly chemical feedstocks. The deployment of carbon-negative technologies including in the years leading up to that date may also be needed. Electricity will be needed for this, too.

Reaction of ETIP PV to EC’s ‘Clean Planet for All’ Communication on possible scenarios for 99% decarbonisation (or not) by 2050

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